A strong testosterone leads men to buy luxury brands


July 6, 2018 – 20:18
According to one study, this hormone changes consumer preferences. Advertisers and fashion consultants point out that this is a concept used by companies.

Testosterone, the male sex hormone, would increase men's propensity toward brands and products considered prestigious, according to a study recently published in Nature Communication. Thus, a simple chemical reaction would encourage them to move away from the good, beautiful and cheap pillars of savvy consumers, and to make decisions that put their pocket at risk. "We have demonstrated for the first time that testosterone directly modifies consumer preferences," told Agence France-Presse (AFP) the co-author of the Gideon Nave study, the Wharton School , a business school in Philadelphia (United States). .
Researchers tested 243 men aged 18 to 55 years. Half of them had already received a dose of testosterone and the others, a placebo.
Then, they were presented with pairs of products of equivalent quality, but of different brands.

"The prestige level of each brand had been measured in advance through an independent survey of a sample of over 600 men." Explained the researcher. Scientists have found that "men who had been given testosterone doses had a greater preference for higher-level associated products", as a luxury brand, according to a statement from the European Institute of Technology. 39, business administration. For Gideon Nave, "owning prestigious products is a strategy to show your rank in human society". He even made a comparison with the tail of the peacock or the horns of the deer

Thus, the effect of testosterone "resembles the behavior of animals, in which this hormone usually increases during the breeding season and promotes the send signals to potential partners or competitors, "Nave summarizes, however, according to his team, cultural differences would change behavior.
In this regard, the publicist Salteño Luis Saldeño said that the cultural premise that connects everything Men's model in advertising is the constant need to reaffirm masculinity, a well-known issue of luxury brands.
"The man is more" figureti "than the woman and is looking for & Sumptuous elements: the Rolex watch, the Armani suit and the Audi car. They are very marquistas. The woman is more conservative than the man in that sense. He may not have a house and he can have a car for $ 100,000. She, on the contrary, "he explained.He added that in his field is the ambitious concept at the time of designing a campaign." You must surround the product with the tools of seduction so that the "Man feels identified, not because he's going through this moment, but because he'd like to do it," he said, referring to exclusive portals open to consumers. ABC1 such as Audi Driving Experience, in which, under the professional guidance of instructors, the customer is guided in a dynamic driving so that he learns to cope with dangerous situations in real conditions. 19659003] Nothing more and nothing less than what is mounted on branded commercials and which retains customers. "High-end vehicles are always in an environment of superb tracks, roads, landscapes, with the exception of the 4×4 which shows more rustic areas for the potential buyer for see the answers that the vehicle gives to natural obstacles. Already in an urban context, they present the adapted city, with lighting effects and a deserted area by cuts, which generates the effect of being in the first world, Saldeño explained. .
Also for image and fashion consultant Alejandro Alcoba, the choice of a brand made by a man is more emotional and less rational. Alcoba coincided with Saldeño in that the luxury product gives a certain quality and image to feel more developed, comfortable and lively, "a few steps above the rest, something that has nothing to do with the social layer or the power of purchase ". Although he pointed out that in the Salta market this access is restrictive due to a market issue. "Luxury brands do not exist as much as on the outside." The man can buy haute horlogerie products, cars, perfume or clothes. top, you have to go to neighboring countries, where there are brands in the US and Europe, "he said, adding that in Salta the target of the 39; businessman is inferior to that who acquires sports items from companies such as Nike and Adidas.
"Men's accessories are not positioned on luxury brands, even in the best moments of the country, they must go to Buenos Aires or Cordoba to realize them. In the 80s, Benetton, Lacroix and others had entered, but they left the country. Then the man here can dress well, because we have brands of excellent quality, but not classified as luxury, "he said.

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