A study shows that adolescents face the danger of human papilloma


Person with HPV

The clinical picture at which the human papillomavirus (HPV) can be a carrier is so severe, that is why warning messages are not lacking to prevent its contagion and His development. The adolescent sector is included in this population, which is currently the most at risk group.

One of the main concerns is that young people do not protect themselves with the use of a condom during sex, either because they are under the influence of any drug or alcohol, or because they are reluctant to use them.

To this is added that some maintain sexual activity with multiple partners, which leads to higher odds of contagion. In addition, many of them are unaware that the development of this disease can lead to death through the development of cervical cancer.

89.4% of the population of women aged 18 to 44 reported 93.1% that the primary route of transmission for HPV is sexual contact.
14.7% of this population (18 to 34 years old) reported having already been vaccinated.
50.7% received all three doses of the HPV vaccine.
74.5% of the population of women aged 18 to 44 reported having had a Pap test in the last three years.
2.6% of women between the ages of 18 and 44 mentioned that her doctor had once told her that he had an HPV infection

About HPV
HPV is a common virus in nature, although it is primarily associated with the genital area. There are more than 100 subtypes

The most common form is through sexual intercourse and direct skin-to-skin contact.

Although it is more associated with women, men also contract it, with the risk of developing penile cancer, although proportionally, the rate of development at home is much lower.

There are subtypes of this virus that causes cancer of the cervix of the uterus.

Sometimes they cause the appearance of genital warts. Some may appear in the urethra and cause an obstruction in the passage of urine through this organ.
In case of anal sex, it can cause cancer in the rectal area.

TREATMENT [19659006] There is no cure. However, most of the time the immune system fights it and eliminates it.

There are topical treatments to relieve or eliminate the lesions.

Administration of the vaccine to the female population between 9 and 26 years. It protects against subtypes 6, 11, 16 and 18.

Practice of abstinence.

Use a condom during sex.

Performs an annual Pap test for early detection.

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