AH1N1 without influenza | News from Yucatan, Campeche, Quintana Rio, Merida, Cancún, Chetumal, Playa del Carmen


Although health centers and doctors' offices report an increase in the number of patients suffering from certain respiratory diseases, generally due to sudden changes in temperature, they have not yet detected any case of influenza AH1N1.

According to the data collected during the week, neither in the health centers, nor in the private practices, nor in the cheap clinics, generally located in the pharmacies of some chains, there have been cases of flu, despite urging the population not to self-care, especially if the condition concerns the airways, because the patient may think that he has contracted a simple flu, so that in fact it could be a more serious illness.

In this sense, the differences between flu or colds and flu are that in the flu the symptoms are gradual evaluation and can pass he sees three days until the disease breaks out , while with the flu, the picture is sudden, because there is a very high fever, more than 39 degrees, from one day to the next, as well as joint pains and muscle, symptoms that they should be ignored, so that the person should immediately go to the nearest medical unit.

The health sector also calls for preventive measures to prevent the appearance of the virus, including covering the nose and mouth. Forearm or use a tissue when you cough or sneeze and throw the tissue in the trash after using it.

It is important to wash your hands frequently with soap and water; In this regard, doctors recommend that the antibacterial gel not be used as a substitute for hand washing, but as a reinforcement.

In recommendations, avoid touching the eyes, nose or mouth, by virtue of the fact that the the virus spreads this way and, most importantly, do not forget to clean and disinfect the surfaces and objects that can be contaminated by viruses such as the flu.

And if the person has contracted the virus, there are who avoid going to overcrowded places, to work or to go to school to avoid other infections, as well as sneezing that covers the mouth of the elbow and, above all, do not shake hands, kiss or roll around

of Cancun, there is no type of influenza vaccine, which is applied directly in medical units; There is also a shortage of drugs for the treatment of the virus, the cost of which is not available to low-income families, given that the patented drug, Tamiflu, is offered on average at 751 pesos, while the drug generic, oseltamivir, cost of 299 pesos.

Source: PorEsto

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