Alarm at Lambayeque for the deadly reappearance of bubonic plague | Society


After 20 years, in the region of Lambayeque, the first fatal case of bubonic plague was reported, which alarmed the population.

The victim is a 42-year-old man who contracted the disease after passing through Salas district . The patient died six days ago because of complications that caused the same disease. His family has been under observation to rule out any epidemics.

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Regional Health Management of Lambayeque confirmed that the death occurred as a result of bubonic vein, as indicated Dafne Moreno Paico Head of Epidemiology of the Entity

The official reported that, with high probability, the deceased patient could have caught the plague by the bite of an infected flea.

The bacterium responsible for the disease is known as Yersinia pestis . The contagion reportedly took place in the Humedades Alto region of Salas on 29 June.

The victim had lived for seven years in United States. He has been hospitalized urgently since last Thursday, where the diagnosis was confirmed.

The specialist specified that the citizen had a high fever and a malaise, triggering then a "septicemic plague". ] You might be interested

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