An 8-month-old boy joins the victims of influenza A H1N1


Tegucigalpa, Honduras

With just eight months of birth, the flu virus cost him his life. The expectations, dreams and desires that his parents had with him were truncated because of the influenza A (H1N1) .

This is a minor who died in Sur Hospital, Choluteca. This was confirmed by Edith Rodríguez, interim chief of the Health Surveillance Unit, who stated that the baby had been taken to the health center late, so that the doctors were not able to save him.

He regretted that for Honduran culture. lack of economic resources people will not immediately seek medical care in health facilities. With the new report, death figures reach 22 over four months. Health authorities report 281 cases of influenza A H1N1 and 84 of type B throughout the country.

The vaccination day ended on June 29, but Health delayed the delay because the target to be vaccinated was not reached. [19659004] The secretariat ordered 1.8 million doses nationwide. The population that has not been vaccinated is that of the elderly and pregnant women.

The regions most affected by H1N1 influenza A are the south and the capital of the country, where the largest number of cases have been recorded. .getElementById (& # 39; comments-button & # 39;). addEventListener ('click', function () {
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