Ancash: health surveillance to avoid cases of bubonic plague and leptospirosis | Society


In order to avoid the occurrence of bubonic plague and leptospirosis, the South Pacific Health Network – through the Environmental Health Zone – will take preventive action in various parts of the province of Huarmey (Áccash region).

It is the Janca and Nueva Esperanza communities that belong to the town of Quian, located in the Culebras district, where the surveillance strategy will aim to capture rodents in the areas mentioned . 19659003] You can see: Ancash: more than 70% of the hospitals do not have enough staff

After having captured the rodents, the vector and rodent surveillance team will be taken to the health laboratory of the Red Sur so that the specialist takes the samples to be sent to Lima and can thus determine whether the rodents present a leptospirosis or a bubonic plague .

Prior to this, experts invoked calming down the population and announced that it is intensifying these preventive actions in order to avoid an epidemic of disease .

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