Ancash: Hospital in Huaraz reports death due to influenza AH1N1 | Trade | Peru | Ancash


The Hospital Víctor Ramos Guardia, located in the city of Huaraz (Ancash) reported a deceased person because of influenza AH1N1 in addition to 17 confirmed cases of influenza up to now this year.

The director of the hospital, Edgar Depaz Salazar, confirmed that on June 25 was recorded the death of an adult with Down syndrome, originally from Recuay. Similarly, Depaz said that from January to July, health personnel treated 9 children, 4 adults and 4 older adults with the disease, from Carhuaz provinces, Huaraz. Caraz, Huari, Bolognesi, Aija and Recuay, localities where the temperature decreases during the winter.

For his part, the head of the Regional Directorate of Health, Martín Gutiérrez Zapata, recalled that children, pregnant women and the elderly are at a higher risk, he urged the population to surrender at any Ministry of Health facility to get vaccinated.

He recalled that the influenza AH1N1 is a highly contagious disease generated by a virus that affects the immune system. The airways and can cause death.

"We must be alert to the following warning signs: sore throat, muscle aches, severe malaise, coughing, sneezing, and fever.Before any of these symptoms, we must go to the institution. health care, "he recommended.

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