Anemia 5 steps to recognize this disease


Diario Correo / To guide the population on health strategies to overcome anemia, the Ministry of Health presents the circuit of care to overcome this disease: screening, treatment, counseling, nutritional counseling and [19659002] The five stages are present in the National Days Against Anemia which is carried out nationwide the last week of each month.

The first step is the rejection of anemia which involves placing a drop of blood in a hemoglobinometer, which detects the level of hemoglobin in seconds. The rejections will be made to children from 6 to 35 months and to pregnant women.

TREATMENT OF ANEMIA Once the presence of this disease detected in the child or pregnant woman, the second step corresponding to the treatment with drops, syrup will proceed

Then, a tip for good Growth will be given to the mother, father or caregiver and the intake of micronutrients will be given to children from 6 to 59 months who do not have anemia. 19659002] Fourth stage, orientation, demonstration and tasting of iron-rich dishes will be given to parents who favor the preparation of iron-rich preparations with blood, beef liver or chicken, spleen, among others. The last and fifth step is the administration of vaccines.

As we have seen, priority is given to children under 59 months, adolescents aged 12 to 17 and pregnant women. In this line and as part of the actions to reduce anemia in Peru, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) will develop from Monday, July 30 to Sunday, August 5 the third national day against anemia.

In the days This circuit of care will be activated in all the health establishments of the country, and in some cities, there will be modules of assistance in places of great affluence such as markets, places and other global campaigns with the participation of the authorities

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