Arequipa: the number of confirmed cases of AH1N1 virus rises to 27 | Trade | Peru | Arequipa


In Arequipa the number of confirmed cases of virus AH1N1 was increased to 27, after only a week ago 11. The head of the Office of the 39, Epidemiology Region, Percy Velarde, reported that they sent 124 samples of suspected cases to the National Institute of Health (INS), so that they are confirmed or scrapped .

For the specialist, the increase in cases is due to the fact that they have not been vaccinated against the flu, even though the doses were dispensed to health facilities for four weeks.

" AH1N1 reappears after 2 years.Other respiratory viruses are also shown, but they are not of concern.It is important to vaccinate, especially for children of under 5, pregnant women and the elderly.The vaccine is free in any health facility, "said Velarde.

Up to now this year, the virus AH1N1 caused the death of one person in Arequipa . Meanwhile, 29 deaths from pneumonia have been recorded in the region, most of them elderly.

In health posts, 85 000 436 miners with respiratory infections and 165 000 491 over the age of five were treated. . This figure is 10% higher than those processed during the same period in the past year.

For his part, the specialist urged people to be vaccinated against the flu because they spend colder days.

19659008] Increased feeling of cold –

It should be noted that from tomorrow until Friday 13th there will be rain and the feeling of cold in the middle mountain will increase, according to the Senamhi. In addition, he warned that in areas above 3.800 m.s.n.m will be recorded the snowfall, whose accumulation will exceed 15 cm. D & # 39; height. The provinces of Arequipa to be affected are La Unión, Condesuyos, Castilla, Caylloma and Arequipa .

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