Bill Gates Invests $ 30 Million In Tests To Detect Alzheimer's Disease


(CNN) –

In addition to a cure, what are those who are predisposed to Alzheimer's disease?

According to businessman and philanthropist Bill Gates, a key need is a "reliable, affordable and viable."

To launch this investigation, Gates announced Tuesday that it has joined a coalition of philanthropists who are investing $ 30 million to create a venture fund called Diagnostics Accelerator.

"We need a better way to diagnose Alzheimer's disease, such as a simple blood test or a vision test, before we can slow the progression of the disease," writes Gates in a statement announcing the investment

"Imagine a world where you can diagnose the disease.Alzheimer's as simple as getting a blood test during your annual physical exam."

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A Pru EBA is critical, says Gates, because science shows that Alzheimer's disease can begin more than a decade before the first outward signs of decline.

However, people are now only cognitively assessed when symptoms have progressed to the point where the disease affects daily life. From here, much of the damage is done.

The next steps are lumbar punctures or imaging tests, such as positron emission tomography to identify markers of changes in the brain. Both are extremely expensive, and most insurance plans in the United States will not reimburse patients, Gates said.

"Lumbar punctures can be frightening and uncomfortable, and CT scans require the patient to remain perfectly still. up to 40 minutes, "said Gates." It's hard to do for anyone, but especially for someone who is suffering from Alzheimer's disease. "

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive mental deterioration of the brain that destroys memory and thinking skills until the person can perform the simplest tasks.

Irreversible after its beginning, it is thought that it is caused by an accumulation in the brain of beta-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles.

The Alzheimer's Association says that the disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, and it kills more than breast and prostate cancer.The estimates show that nearly 6 million Americans currently live with the disease and this number is expected to increase to nearly 14 million. here 2050.

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The identification of people with Alzheimer's disease is also critical to the success of clinical trials on possible medications or treatments.

According to Gates, scientists are embarrassed in the pursuit of research because it is currently so difficult to find patients.

Studies have shown that one of the reasons for this shortage is the inability of primary care physicians to identify the signs of this shortage. Alzheimer's disease in its elderly patients in the short time allotted to patient visits

To make this problem worse, an elderly patient is more likely to already have diabetes, heart disease or other medical conditions. other chronic diseases that can mimic or cause these symptoms.

Gates hopes to solve these problems by using a risk philanthropy fund. to bring together the best of cutting-edge research with the incentive of a profitable product for the "real patients".

If one or the other of the ideas is successful, Gates said: "our share of the financial windfall comes back directly to the bottom".

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In addition to Gates, the fund is supported by the Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation, created by billionaires Estée Lauder, Leonard and Ronald Lauder; the Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation; and the Dolby family, among others

In November, Gates launched another fund dedicated to Alzheimer's research, the Dementia Discovery Fund, where he was investing $ 50 million, in part because of his personal experience.

"Many of the men in my family have this disease, so I saw how difficult it is, it is not my only motivation, but it certainly has me. attracted."

The Dementia Discovery Fund is a private-public research association focused on some of the most innovative ideas on the causes of brain diseases, such as the observation of the immune system of a brain cell.

It was the first time that Gates engaged in a noncommunicable disease, previous work done through its foundation had focused mainly on infectious diseases such as HIV, malaria and polio. .

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