Brazil records 822 cases of measles from Venezuela


In 2016, Brazil received from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) the certificate for the elimination of the circulation of the measles virus; However, the increase in Venezuelan migration has caused the virus to "revive" in this nation. (EFE)

Venezuela not only exports a unique migratory crisis in its history, but it is also accompanied by possible diseases and epidemics. This is the case of measles, a disease that has reached Brazil, Ecuador and Colombia thanks to contagious Venezuelans who have decided to emigrate.

According to the EFE news agency, Brazil has recorded this year about 822 confirmed cases. measles. The majority of cases were detected in the states of Amazonas and Roraima, bordering Venezuela. Many of these cases occurred in Yanomami indigenous communities.

In 2016, Brazil has received a certificate from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to eliminate the circulation of the measles virus; However, the increased migration of Venezuelans has "revived" the virus in this nation.

The same thing happened in April of this year in Ecuador, after more than 22 years without the measles virus. first case of Venezuela

Colombia also recorded cases of measles from Venezuela. Until April, nine cases of viral contagion were recorded. The first diagnosis was made in Medellín in early March and the third at the same border in Cúcuta, where the Colombian Ministry of Health and international organizations undertook intermittent vaccination campaigns for weeks.

arrived at Arjona, Colombian municipality of Bolivar department, near Cartagena de Indias

And is this after the imminent increase in migration to Venezuela, there is also an alert in the countries of Latin America, due to the shortage of drugs and vaccines in the country ruled by Maduro, Venezuelans also decided to emigrate to treat their conditions.

OPS recommends urgent measures

Although the Maduro regime has hidden the official epidemiological figures, the health crisis is undeniable, so much so that PAHO has recommended urgent action.

This organization mentioned measles and difteri has, because of the innumerable cases that exist in Venezuela and now in the region.

In a paper published in Washington, PAHO mentions "the significant increase" of malaria in Venezuela since 2015, when 136,000 cases were recorded. With regard to measles, she reports that it has spread to 21 of the 24 states in the country and that between the first case detected in July 2017 and June, 2,285 have been confirmed. cases, of which 1,558 correspond to infections that occurred this year.

Gustavo Villasmil, internist and professor at the Central University of Venezuela, which together with the medical associations have appealed to the request for humanitarian aid from the Catholic Church (Caritas), declared PanAm Post that the onset of any disease in the country "is a dramatic expression that has the world about the serious humanitarian crisis suffered by the Chavez regime."

There is an epidemiological context given in this case by a state where the minimum conditions of public health have been broken, by power cuts, lack of drinking water, shortage of fuel and supply problems; To this is added an exodus that does not affect only the state of Táchira, but all of Venezuela, and which does not touch any region of the world

Other diseases resurface in Venezuela [19659012] There has been a resurgence of polyemelitis in Venezuela. It was eradicated 30 years ago and now shows the seriousness of the health crisis in the South American country.

According to experts in the South American country, who keep unofficial records and projections, Venezuela has about 2.5 million people. Chagas' disease also reappeared, causing the death of five people and the contagion of another 40 in the state of Táchira, in the west of the country; on the border with Colombia.

In 2012 and 2015, Venezuelan doctors warned of an outbreak in Venezuela of Chagas disease. Three years later, the disease resurfaced alongside other epidemics such as measles that has already begun to spread to other countries in the region.

By the end of 2017, Venezuela has recorded six potential epidemics. Throughout the country, malaria, diphtheria, tuberculosis, measles, HIV and scabies have resurfaced

All this is happening in a country where public health is in decline, where beds Hospitals are inadequate. and access to vaccines is almost impossible.

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