Cell radiation may cause memory loss in adolescents


It is not the first time we hear that the radiation of mobile phones can affect more or less our brain, which could increase in adolescents who are still undergoing different brain changes [19659002]. The study notes that mobile phone radiation may leave teens with short-term memory loss, especially in terms of image and shape interpretation.

Martin Röösli, a Swiss radiation expert, studied the mobile habits of 700 teenagers aged 12 to 17 before doing the various memory tests. At the end of the study, links were found between poor performance of memory and radiation exposure RG-EMF

(Also read: More tattoos, better self-esteem than you (19659005) What strikes the most is to talk on the phone while holding it in the ear, but also to send SMS, play games or even surf on the Internet, and right-handed adolescents are the most vulnerable to the effects of radiation.

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