Children 1 to 4 years old should receive an additional dose of triple viral vaccine


The Ministry of Health has launched the National Measles and Rubella Campaign, which will be open to all children aged 1 to 4 years who need to receive an extra dose of MMR vaccine. Vaccination will take place in October and November, from the Provincial Department of Control of Immunosuppressive Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the province of Chubut was informed of this campaign to inform the general population of the need for to access.

The initiative A few months after the declaration of a health alert due to the onset of these diseases declared eradicated in Argentina years ago.
First case of measles for almost 20 years

Until the beginning of this year, in Argentina no case of measles has been reported since 2000, and rubella syndrome and the Congenital rubella since 2009, as certified by the Pan American Health Organization.

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However, at the end of March this year, the Argentine government issued a health alert because a baby had been infected with indigenous measles – without being imported from another country – in the city of Buenos Aires.

This was the first case of indigenous measles in 18 years and added to the warning issued a few days earlier by the increase in measles cases in the region.

All of this comes after the continent was the first in the world to be declared free of rubella in 2015 and measles in 2016 by an International Committee of Experts, recalled the OPS

By Therefore, the organization has launched a new call for vaccination against this virus which, in the case of Chubut, will be effective on October 1 in all public health centers. The target population is composed of out-of-school children, for the most part now it informs professionals and adult caregivers to be attentive to this dose that is added to the official calendar in an extraordinary way .

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