Conference on HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections


Jujuy al día® – With the participation of PAHO focal points, the Ministry of Health will organize training on the strategic lines, objectives and approach of HIV (HIV / AIDS virus). human immunity) and STIs (sexually transmitted infections). The participation of health teams, the community, municipalities and civil society organizations is encouraged, from 25th and 26th of July, at the Teatro Theater Altos Hornos Zapla de Palpalá.

Invited by the Ministry of Health of the province of Jujuy, will be present these days the National Director of AIDS and STIs Sergio Maulen, with his technical team, and the Subregional Adviser of the Organization Pan American Health (PAHO) for the Southern Cone of the HIV Unit, Hepatitis, TBC and ITS Marcelo Vila

Sessions address health teams of all medical specialties, nurses, health workers health, health educators, social workers, obstetricians, management and administrative staff, civil society associations, municipalities and the community in general.

Subjects related to the epidemiology of sexually transmitted infections in the country and region, the national strategic plan, the role of municipalities in the problem, and all that concerns the centers of attention, board and test.

The modality is double shifts of the day morning and afternoon, consist of oral presentations, active breaks, spaces of promotion and prevention and the certificate will be issued.

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