Confirm 6 cases of H1N1 flu in Córdoba | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


Six cases of influenza A (H1N1) were confirmed in the department of Córdoba by the Departmental Health Secretariat, an entity that activated the plans for prevention and intensification of surveillance of acute respiratory infections.

In accordance with the statement of Health Portfolio Holder Eduardo Vélez, in 2018, the Public Health Laboratory received 48 respiratory specimens from the Department's PHI, which were sent to the Institute. National Health, positive result so far. samples, of which 6 corresponded to Influenza A (H1N1) virus, 2 to respiratory syncytial virus and 1 to coronavirus. Of the 6 confirmed cases of A (H1N1), 4 come from the municipality of Montería, one from the municipality of San Carlos and the other from Ayapel

"It is very important to continue to activate plans for the prevention and intensification of acute respiratory infection surveillance, so that the public and private health network and the community itself are alert to alarm signs, such as progressive deterioration, difficulty breathing, fever that does not stop in people over five years old and normal, fever that is difficult to control for more than two days, if the chest sounds when breathing, drowsiness or difficulty to wake up, seizures and attacks in children under five, "explains Velez Baquero. Through the Expanded Program on Immunization, free immunization is offered to priority groups such as children aged 6 to 23 months, pregnant women in week 14, adults over 60 years of age and the general population with risk-related conditions defined by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

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