Confirmed the third death of a baby due to measles in Brazil


The death of a seven-month-old baby by measles became the number three because of this disease, reported in recent months in Brazil .

According to information of the Brazilian authorities, the death of the minor was reported in the city of Manaus capital of the state of Amazonas. The boy had not been vaccinated.

The boy died on June 28, but the causes were confirmed only this Thursday by the Department of Health of Manaus, a city that decreed the state of emergency after a new measles epidemic. 19659002] Only in Manaus were confirmed, since March, 270 cases of this infectious disease caused by the virus "Morbillivirus" and which mostly affects children.

"The growth of suspected cases increases the possibility of dissemination in other states of the country and jeopardizes the commitments to maintain the certificate of elimination of the measles virus in the regions of the Americas" reported the secretariat.

In addition to Amazonas, the state of Roraima, also in the northern region of the country, has recorded two measles deaths in recent months. (With EFE information)

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