Do you know how to live with your pet if you suffer from allergies? Discover now


July 16, 2018 5:00 pm

Most people love pets, especially puppies and cats however, at this time of year because of the humidity, mites tend to increase and respiratory allergies which can often be mistaken for a cold.

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The signs of allergy to an animal go to allergic rhinitis, which causes sneezing, nasal congestion, itching in addition to the redness of eyes and if your allergy generates asthma, you may have a hissing sound when breathing or difficulty breathing and in some cases may cause conditions in the skin

If you have identified some of these symptoms, do not worry, to say goodbye to your pet follow the recommendations of Thomas and you can reduce the discomfort of allergy in your house.

Identify who is suffering from allergies at home and consult a specialist to determine if allergy is due to your pet.

2. Prevent your pet from entering the room of the person suffering from allergies.

3. Keep carpets and rugs in your home clean, the Pet & Family vacuum can help you because it sucks and lava, removing traces of pets.

4. Constantly ventilate the rooms in your house.

5. Bathe your macaque once a week and keep the place where he sleeps clean.

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It's Important to Know That Allergens of Cats and dogs are present in saliva, urine and sweat, as well as in the hair. Dandruff is one of the main causes of the fact that very small particles stay longer in the environment and easily adhere to tapestries, Thomas created the pet & family vacuum cleaner specially manufactured for households with pets.

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