Do you know if you have anemia? Learn more about this condition – NATIONAL – Industry


Do you feel tired for no apparent reason? Be careful! You can suffer from anemia, a condition commonly caused by poor diet.

Among the 60% and 70% of the Peruvian population has a mild anemia with which it coexists unknowingly. Many of these people have even average or high incomes, however, they do not eat properly.

The most disturbing thing is that it is also present in the infant population (about 743,000 children under three years old have it). which constitutes a risk for the development of your intelligence.

What are the symptoms?

Anemia is a condition characterized by a lack of healthy red blood cells in sufficient quantity, responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body, even in the brain. Therefore, people with anemia look tired, have vertigo and, on occasion, are irritable. In addition, they may have a pallor on the face, nails and palmar folds.

Iron deficiency is one of the most common causes of anemia in the country. In any case, a blood test can certify or exclude your presence. If the analysis shows a result of 13 g / dL of hemoglobin in the blood in men, it is considered anemia. In the case of women, the value should be less than 12 g / dL

How to fight anemia?

Anemia is linked to lack of iron, a mineral that is not always present in what we eat. Foods such as chicken liver or beef, spleen and fish are rich sources of this element.

If you think you're at risk, go to a health center where you can offer free advice, in addition to iron supplements. by drops, syrup or ferrous sulphate pills.

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