Does he distinguish healthy fats from those who are not? Here we teach you | Diet | Healthy life | good fat | nutrition | trans fat | Health Health


Fats are necessary for proper functioning of the body, but the excess of it can lead to problems of obesity and cholesterol . And low fat intake can trigger health problems, especially known "healthy fats".

Among the functions of the fats in the body are:

They are the most important source of energy of the body when we are not

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Fats are necessary for the proper assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, K1, K2

Fats are responsible for the connection between neurons.

Types of fats:

Unhealthy: They are known as unhealthy fats or "bad fats" "For the trans and saturated .The first are completely harmful to health, these can be consumed with some care, because they are more or less beneficial depends on other factors.

The saturated : They are usually of animal origin, although there are also sources of saturated fats of vegetable origin. Products that contain these fats include butter, red meat or lard. Among the vegetables include coconut oil, palm oil or hazelnut oil.

However, not all saturated fats are harmful, provided that they are consumed in moderation. For example, coconut oil contains 90% saturated fat and 50% lauric acid, that is, a short and medium chain fat that is not not as harmful, it is even healthier if it is consumed as measured. In conclusion, the consumption of saturated fats is not so bad if it is done moderately or minimally, it also depends a lot on the type, which, as we said, are two. Making a homemade sponge cake with coconut oil is healthier than doing it with palm oil (one of the most harmful fats that exist).

Trans Fat: The goal of making products more striking and cheaper. To obtain this type of fat, a process of hydrogenation of vegetable fats is performed. Margarine, for example, is a product that many people consume without knowing how harmful it can be.

Trans fats increase cholesterol that damages heart function because they are the most harmful on the market and it is best to avoid them

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Healthy Fats: Since you know which fats are less healthy, it's time for you to meet those who are "healthy" And how they help the body. They help lower high cholesterol levels or keep them in good shape and are important for good cardiovascular health.

The main sources of healthy fats are blue fish, some vegetables such as sunflower, pumpkin, nuts and seeds, whole grains, avocado and soy. Eggs are also a good source of good fats.

Now that you have information on the types of fats, it's time to start a more balanced diet.

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