Does talc cause ovarian cancer? Multi-million dollar conviction against Johnson & Johnson


  Talcum packets for babies

The company opened 9,000 cases in court accusing them of causing their products.

Of all the lawsuits he faced Johnson and Johnson because of their powdered milk powder, it is potentially the most expensive

A judge from Missouri, United States, comes from condemn the company to pay compensation of US $ 4,700 million to 22 women who insure that the powders of the brand have caused them ovarian cancer.

The fine, which will be the subject of a call from the company, is divided into a compensation of 550 million dollars and the remaining 4 100 billion in damages punitive.

During the six-week trial, several women and their families reported having developed ovarian cancer after using baby powder and other Johnson and Johnson products for decades. And of the 22 who filed the complaint, six have already died of this disease.

Her lawyers alleged that the company knew that her talc was contaminated with asbestos since the 1970s, but that she had not warned consumers of the risks.

Johnson and Johnson, however, were "deeply concerned". Disappointed "by the verdict and ensures that it will appeal .

But, what does science say about the relationship between talcum powder and cancer? Ovary? "Src =" "height =" 549 "width =" 976 "/>

To date, the company has appealed all the penalties that have been imposed for linking its products to cancer.

This is only one of the 9,000 cases of this type that the company has opened in the courts.

Society has always denied that its products cause cancer and in all past convictions it has always appealed.

A similar conviction – "only" 417 million US dollars – issued in California in 2017, it was quashed in the second instance, and the courts have not yet said the last word about the others.

At BBC Mundo, we closely followed the Johnson and Johnson case and, in a February 2016 article, we explained the alleged relationship between talcum powder and cancer.

Here is a compilation of the most important data of this note

What experts say

The specialists say that there is no conclusive evidence of the link between this substance and cancer. 19659005] But several associations and organizations that investigate cancer warn that there is great uncertainty as to the relationship between the cosmetic use of talc and ovarian cancer.

  mother about to apply talcum powder to her baby. Images </footer><figcaption>  The use of talcum powder for babies is very popular to keep skin dry on contact with the urine of babies and thus avoid irritation on their sensitive skin. </figcaption></figure>
<p>  This led to the International Agency for Cancer Research calcifying applied talcum in the genital area as a <strong> "possible carcinogen" </strong>. </p>
<p>  But while an association recommends that people who are concerned about the case limit the use of talc, a specialist categorically says that the product should not be stopped. </p>
<h3>  Testimonials </h3>
<p>  The British Ovacome Association which advises and assists women with cancer in the United Kingdom considers that there is no <strong>] </strong> to show that the more talc is used, the higher the risk of ovarian cancer is high. "</p>
<p>" If talc really causes ovarian cancer, why do not all studies show the risk of ovarian cancer? Ovarian cancer is related to the amount of talc used, "Ovacome asks </p>
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The Association points out that even studies that highlight the use of ovarian cancer Talcum powder poses a risk of ovarian cancer, they just talk of an increase in the ovarian cancer 39, about a third.

"To put it in context, smoking and drinking increases the risk of esophageal cancer in 30-fold",

What component of talc can cause cancer?

Mineral talc in its natural form contains asbestos and causes cancer. But asbestos-free talc has been used in baby powder and other cosmetics since 1970.

Whatever the case may be, studies on asbestos-free talc give contradictory results, says James Gallagher, editor of the BBC's Health

. Is there a relationship between talc cancer and ovarian cancer?

Most studies of the relationship between talc and cancer are based on the fact that people remember what they did a long time ago. These are so-called "case-control studies," says Cancer Research UK (Cancer Research UK) on its website.

"However, this weak relationship between talc and ovarian cancer is just a speculation ," he adds

"Without the convincing results of the studies of research, it is hard to imagine that talc is a major cause of ovarian cancer. "src =" jpg "height =" 549 "width =" 976 "/>

Getty Images
Experts have not found a sufficient link between talc and cancer.

For the same association, the risk of ovarian cancer does not increase when a woman uses larger amounts of talc. 19659005] "If something really causes cancer, people who are more exposed to the cause should be at higher risk – for example, the more you smoke, the higher the risk of lung cancer. Studies have not found a similar relationship for the use of talc and ovarian cancer, "he added

He also notes that the Use of contraceptive diaphragms or condoms contaminated with talc does not increase the risk of ovarian cancer. 19659019] Should I stop using talc?

The American Cancer Society recommends that those who are concerned with the case limit its use.

"Until more information is available, the people involved in the use Talcum powder can prevent or limit the use products and they suggest replacing them with "cosmetics made from cornstarch," they write on their website.

On the opportunity to stop To use talcum powder, the response of Dr. Brian Slomovitz, co-leader of a group of gynecologic cancers at the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center in Miami, is categorical: "Certainly not, people should not stop d." use talc. "

However, he specified that " too much of everything is bad " but there is no evidence that this is the case. [19659005] "There are controversial reports that suggest a relationship between talc and ovarian cancer, but they are not about it was clear, "he added, adding:" The major medical conclusions are not based on judicial decisions. "

* This article is based on a public note [19659046] ada originally in February 2016 and updated wing of the new s conviction of Johnson & Johnson

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