Ear: How Antibiotic Residues in Water Can Cause Deafness | Health diseases


A group of researchers from the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes (UAA) study the impact of antibiotic residues on water, an action which could cause serious health problems, especially in the ear

Professor of the Department of Biochemical Engineering, Norma Angelica Chávez Vela explained that a strong presence of Antibiotics has been identified in both food and the environment, an effect that has increased streptomycin levels in sewage treatment plants and dams.

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It should be noted that streptomycin is an antibiotic aminoglycoside that is used in the treatment of certain types of bacterial infections

Norma Chávez explained that streptomycin can cause severe damage to the ears "it is even estimated that more than one million children have become deaf in China and, in Mexico, it is estimated that five children out of a thousand are born deaf Currently, this type of studies is only realized in foods the most common being liquid chromatography, which method in addition to being expensive, is very complex, because it does not treat several samples at the same time.

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For this reason, the Autonomous University d & rsquo; Aguascalientes (UAA) is devoting elopper a new mechanism that will analyze multiple samples.

The researcher suggested to the population not to self-medicate "as this reinforced the resistance of different conditions, requiring the supply of a larger dose of for example, antibiotics . "

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