Eat fish to prevent disease


Elderly people who at least three times a week eat fish in their diet are more likely to prevent certain diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and some types of cancer.

So says Mabel Vila, nutritionist of the national program "Eating Fish" of the Ministry of Production.

Rich in fatty acids

The expert explains that one of the main properties of fish are the body's fatty acids. type of omega 3, such as DHA and EPA, which promote brain function.

"Some research has found that people with Alzheimer's disease have low levels of healthy EPA and DHA fats in the brain, causing progressive cognitive deterioration" .

Protects the heart

In addition to this benefit, omega 3 has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system, which contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and reduces the high rate cholesterol. In this way, it helps prevent possible cardiovascular disease and reduces the risk of heart attack

It takes care of the sight

Omega 3 present in fish also help prevent macular degeneration , a disease that causes blindness.

And what is it?

The specialist indicates that fish rich in omega 3 are those of black meat, called blue. In this group, mackerel, bonito, anchovies and horse mackerel stand out. To make the most of its high content in this healthy fat, it is recommended to choose healthy preparations, such as cooked, steamed and grilled, in stews.

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