Eating an orange a day reduces the risk of the onset of the disease in order


Anyone who regularly eats an orange a day sees the risk of developing, by 60%, the state of age-related macular degeneration, says a new study.

Eating an orange every day helps prevent the development of bad vision, says that research.

The incurable disease, which is a pain-free eye condition, leads to gradual loss of vision, and is among the most common causes of vision loss among the elderly population

For the purposes of these studies, a group of researchers from the Westsmead Medical Research Institute in Australia interviewed more than two thousand adults, over the age of 50, over a 15-year period.

] Those who reported eating at least one orange a day had a lower risk of developing macular degeneration in those 15 years, compared to those who did not eat regularly.

Bamini Gopinath, of the University of Sydney, said: "Essentially, we discovered that anyone who eats at least one orange a day, every day, sees the risk of the onset of macular degeneration scaled down."

He added: "The recorded data show that flavonoids (a type of antioxidant) found in oranges help protect against this disease."




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