Eating Fish Helps Prevent Disease in the Elderly | news


Seniors who, at least three times a week, eat fish in their diet are more likely to prevent certain diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and certain types of cancer.

So says Mabel Vila, nutritionist of the National Program "Fish Eating" of the Ministry of Production, who explained that one of the main properties of fish are fatty acids omega. 3 as the DHA and the EPA, which promote the proper functioning of the brain.
"Some investigations have concluded that those who suffer from Alzheimer's have low levels of healthy EPA and DHA fats in the brain, which generates progressive cognitive impairment" , he noted.

In addition to this benefit, omega 3 has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system, which contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and reduces high cholesterol

Possible Cardiovascular Diseases and Reduced Risk of Infarction, at Which Older People are More Exposed.

Omega 3 present in fish, additionally , help to prevent macular degeneration, disease that causes blindness.

"The macula of the eye allows us to appreciate the images in which we fix the sight and see clearly the details or the colors. This healthy essential fat acts as an anti-inflammatory blood vessel that irrigates the macula, "explains Vila.

The specialist indicates that fish rich in omega 3 are those of black meat, called blue. In this group, they focus on mackerel bonito, anchoveta and horse mackerel.

To make the most of its high fat content, it is recommended to opt for healthy preparations baked, steamed and roasted, in stews a style of healthy life

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Published: 7/4/2018

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