Ebola | Serious consequences that survivors suffer | Trade | Technology and science | Science


People who survive the deadly Ebola virus may continue to suffer from severe psychiatric and neurological problems, including depression, debilitating migraine headaches, nerve pain and stroke.

Some survivors suffered from such serious health problems that they could no longer care for themselves. However, I was surprised to see young people and previously active people who survived but who could not move half of their body, talk or hold their children "said Janet Scott , from the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom, who co-directed the research.

Scott said the results show the need for more in-depth studies. and the details of the survivors of Ebola against people who have not been infected with the virus

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— Details of the study —

The study, published in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases, examined the archives of more than 300 Ebola survivors in Sierra Leone , one of the countries most affected by the epidemic between 2014 and 2016.

Next, we chose 34 patients who were invited to attend a neuropsychiatric clinic in 2016, when they underwent an examination neurological and psychiatric complete and special investigations, including a brain scanner.

Patrick Howlett, of King's College London and co-author of the study, said the results show that Ebola survivors may suffer from a wide range of ailments ranging from "some minors to the other extremely serious and debilitating is the case."

The Ebola outbreak in Africa West has killed more than 11,300 people and contaminated about 28,000 in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. According to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 10,000 people would have survived the disease

Source: Reuters

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