EsSalud on alert for respiratory infections in the face of increased cold


The Social Security of Health (EsSalud) reported that attention for the processes and respiratory infections increased in the outpatient and emergency departments, due to the low temperatures typical of the station.

The number of patients with respiratory processes increases, which are mostly viral soft and usually resolvate spontaneously in a period of 7 to 10 days, "said Esaalud pneumologist, Giovanna Vargas Rada.

Specialist have reported that the flu begins with a high fever, usually greater than 38 ° C, lasting about three days, accompanied by muscle aches, sore throats, headaches and dry cough.

Flu can be complicated, so it is necessary that people distinguish a cold from a respiratory infection, the latter should be taken care of in case of emergency to give attention He noted that a Another of the complications is pneumonia, where there are bacterial infections that can affect everyone and with a greater prevalence in older adults and children younger than one year old

". Smokers are also considered vulnerable – even if they have stopped smoking – women who have cooked with firewood in rural areas, minors or people with chronic diseases; for them, the cold can generate a larger assignment, being the most relevant symptom increase the respiratory rate of 24 to 26 breaths per minute, which is a sign of alarm. These cases should be taken on an emergency basis, "he noted.

The doctor recommended that the public have a home thermometer to measure the temperature, not to expose themselves to sudden changes in the morning, nights and early morning, avoid


Specifies that people of all ages who have runny, runny and runny noses, evil headache, watery eyes, throat pain or phlegm, cough, fatigue and a general feeling of unease, they present a cold process.

He said that this process is managed with medications that relieve symptoms, which should be indicated by the physician in ambulatory services, where these patients can go.

/ CP /

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