EsSalud vaccination campaigns protect insured persons from 24 diseases


Social health insurance (EsSalud), through vaccination, protects the insured population from 24 diseases. Thus, throughout the year, vaccination of the entire population is encouraged, paying particular attention to children and adults. older and pregnant.

Martha Luna, immunization coordinator of the Decentralized Network Rebagliati, reported that EsSalud applies a total of 16 vaccines that prevent the population from 24 diseases, including polio, rotavirus gastroenteritis , severe forms of tuberculosis, yellow fever, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, diphtheria, convulsive cough and tetanus.

It also prevents pneumonia, bacterial meningitis, otitis media, seasonal flu (flu), cervical cancer and chicken pox, among other diseases.

He stated that EsSalud had biomedical equipment to guarantee the cold chain, storage and storage of vaccines at medical stations, primary care centers and hospitals in the country, so that vaccines could be in good condition.


It should be noted that this system has the ability to function without problems for three days without power supply, which can be used to immunize, for example, those affected by rains and floods.

EsSalud also vaccinates against influenza, an infection that is still present in our environment. However, there are factors such as changing the climate season and people's immune system, which can make a simple flu worse, so we need to pay attention to some recommendations.

"The annual seasonal flu vaccination is the most effective protective measure against this highly contagious disease.It is a safe, well tolerated vaccine and the route of administration is intramuscular," says Luna.

It should be accompanied by simple measures of prevention and protection that include, for example, the opening of windows at home, in the office and on public transport.

Activities Simple ones like washing your hands frequently with soap and water, covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing with tissues or when you cover your arm are essential to prevent Transmission of Influenza Disease.

In children under 6 months of breastfeeding, breast milk reduces the risk of illness because it is the first vaccine against major childhood diseases .

The main gr The risk groups to be vaccinated are girls and boys under 2 years old, pregnant women from the 4th month of pregnancy, recently delivered women, unvaccinated breastfeeding mothers with children under 6 months of age, and adults over 60 years old.

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