Evaluate the installation of an epidemiological post in the Tarapoto terminal


Following the declaration of an epidemiological alert due to the presence of the H1N1 virus in some provinces of San Martín, health sector officials said that they were evaluating the facility 's. a checkpoint at the Tarapoto Airport to assess the arrival of patients This harm, as they did in the year 2009.

San Martin Health Network Director , Elmer Rojas Paredes, said that the installation of an epidemiological control point at Guillermo del Castillo Paredes airport, is essential for the actions against the AH1N1 flu, that is why they they expect the airport managers to provide them with space for this.

Rojas Paredes, also noted that for the moment only health centers are allowed to vaccinate the population against influenza. some health care workers vaccinate at home without permission for the sole purpose of supporting prevention work.

Po The cases presented in San Martín speak only of an epidemiological alert and some speak of a possible pandemic, which would mean that the disease is developing in several countries and this has not occurred. not produced since 2009. [19659002] In this way, health sector officials clarify this well-known case that has alarmed the population, recommending to remain calm and to respect the recommendations that they provide in order to prevent the disease. prevent the spread of the flu. (Hugo Anteparra)

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