Exdecano of the Medical College of Peru calls for prevention in Minsa because of an increase in Guillain Barre cases


The former dean of the Medical College of Peru, Ciro Maguiña, warned on Wednesday against the increase in the number of cases of Guillain Barré syndrome at the national level, for which he urged Authorities to Take Preventive Measures In statements to RPP News the infectious disease specialist commented that the increase is not normal compared to the numbers of recent months and said that the estimated number of patients He added that this figure can be doubled if rapid measures are not adopted.

"The agents have already increased to 200 this semester and how to reach 400, while normally it would reach 100 or 200 cases of syndrome whose causes are not known (…) The security measures and Hygiene should be applied so as to be fewer in number than 400 or 800 because they would be dangerous and that is what needs to be reinforced in this to unusual cases of this Guillain Barré syndrome. "

The control of patients

The specialist commented that the authorities have followed the monitoring of the course of the disease. However, he said that attention is focused only on known cases without prioritizing a total prevention protocol.

"Surveillance is the number of cases we have, even surveillance has been done.Offers are being investigated, the United States is being sent to INS (…) Hygiene standards have been strengthened particularly in areas of the epidemic and even in the areas where they have emerged. "

Strengthening the Countryside

that the Ministry of Health took over. initiative to strengthen a prevention campaign as he has done for the control of other diseases that have also presented several cases at the national level.

"I believe that just as the problem of tuberculosis has been strengthened, Zika, Chikungunya, it is a multifactorial disease, it is that the research will define what it is and j & # 39; Hope that in the next few years there will be the usual cases and we will not have this increase which has worried the Ministry, the State and the patients 19659002]

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