Facebook viral: 6-year-old twins rescued a girl from drowning in an American pool Trade | Social networks | Facebook


Peyton and Bryant Switzer are considered the heroes of the moment after devising a plan to rescue Charlie, a 3-year-old girl, who drowned in the deepest part of a swimming pool in a Orlando city hotel, Florida, United States. The history that was made viral was much commented on Facebook .

Amy Walters, the twin's mother, told CBS News news that her kids are very happy in the water and that's why they decided to stay a little longer to play in the Hotel pool, always under the care and supervision of DJ, her husband. What happened became viral in Facebook .

Charlie, the little 3 year old, jumped into the deep end of the pool just when his parents neglected him for a moment. The Swiss twins, who were arguing around the girl, noticed that the little girl had trouble getting her head out of the water and sinking. It was at this point that they decided to act.

According to CBS, Peyton immediately jumped into the water, swam towards her, grabbed her arm and headed for the shore where Bryant was waiting to help Charlie out, the little mom's company. The action of children generated a wave of congratulations from users of Facebook .

The children received an award from the Ohio State House of Representatives for their bravery. Since then, the Switzers have been praised by parents and outsiders who celebrate their swift action. In Facebook his story became viral among Internet users.

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