FDA to Facilitate Access to Medicines and Reduce the Role of Physicians | El Mundo Newspaper – News for Hispanics


Americans will soon be able to purchase cholesterol-lowering medications and other prescription medications without consulting a physician, which could be a dramatic shift in the way patients access treatments for chronic diseases.


About 75 million Americans, or one in three adults, have high blood pressure, although only half of them have controlled disease.

A proposal from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would help companies think about how they can apply for approval for this type of drug sales, which would help reduce the cost of medical care. The ultimate goal is to modernize the regulatory framework for over-the-counter medications and facilitate a more competitive marketplace, better access to medical products, empower consumers in their health care decisions and offer more affordable options. Americans.

The new FDA regulation is expected to be ready next year. It should be noted that this measure should not move prescription drugs to the "over-the-counter" status.

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