Fever Mayaro is presented for the first time in the region of Cusco


Alerted by an abnormal symptomatology in inhabitants of the Chirumbia Basin in the jurisdiction of Quellouno District, La Convención Province, a research team of the Regional Directorate of Health, headed by the Directorate of Epidemiology moved to the region to perform the corresponding analyzes, detecting the autochthonous transmission of a new disease called Mayaro Fever .

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Mayaro fever is a viral disease transmitted by the bite of mosquitoes (genera Haemagogus, Sabethes and Culex) that were found in the transmission zone and is characterized by a sudden onset characterized by fever, general malaise, headache, conjunctivitis, rash, muscle pain and mainly joint pain that may persist up to 6 months after the onset of the disease, occurring as a relapse every 3-5 days.

Currently there are already 25 inhabitants of the region, in which the laboratory result confirmed the disease however, the probability that there is a greater number of infected persons is very high, also the Regional Directorate of Health asks the population, if it has a symptom of those described above, to go to the nearest health facility for detection or rejection and to receive timely treatment.

How to treat it?

It is also recalled that physical activity (hand mobility), wrists, elbows, feet, ankles and knees) decreases the intensity of pain as well as local heat (hot water compresses) applied to affected areas.

Mayaro Fever should be treated with analgesics such as paracetamol in the acute phase (first 7 days) and then with anti-inflammatories prescribed only by health facilities, recalling that self-medication is extremely dangerous and could complicate your health

(Text and photos sent by ] Roy Valencia through the WhatsApp of the Republic 941 000 000.)

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