Fight Nausea With These 7 Natural Remedies: Your Doctor


When we have a feeling of nausea it is something horrible, because we want to run somewhere where in case of vomiting we are not in sight of all, unfortunately not always

The American Cancer Society explains that the effect of stomach pain causes the feeling of nausea, which does not mean that it is a disease, but is understood as a disease or health problem, that usually produces vomiting.

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So you can identify when nausea is approaching, pay attention to the following symptoms: malaise, stomach pain, irritation and anxiety, vertigo and vertigo.

Nausea? Combine them with these 7 natural remedies

In case the nausea is constant we give you 7 natural remedies super easy to prepare and which help your body work better and avoid that feeling not so pleasant, allowing you to enjoy and do your business without interruption or boredom.

1. Ginger: An infusion of the flavor that you prefer with a touch of ginger will help you to improve the symptoms of nausea.

2. Lemon: Immediately after you feel nauseous, go for a lemon and squeeze it, then mix it with water and drink it, it will help to calm the nausea.

3. Mint: Some candy, chewing gum or mint tea will help relax the digestive system.

4. Chamomile tea: Chamomile has relaxing effects that help relieve the symptoms of anxiety and stress.

5. Honey and Vinegar: A cup of water with a tablespoon of honey and vinegar will help eliminate the symptoms of nausea.

6. Rice Water: This remedy is ideal for relieving not only nausea, but also vomiting and diarrhea.

7. Anis: Its rich aroma and digestive properties counterbalance the feeling of nausea.

Part of the recommendations include drinking a glass of water something so simple but that brings very good health benefits because they soothe nausea quickly.

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How to prevent nausea?

It is important to take into account that having nausea and prolonged vomiting you may suffer electrolyte dehydration, so it is necessary to go immediately to the doctor for proper care.

If you want to prevent the occurrence of nausea, avoid the consumption of foods with fat or very spicy, large amounts of alcohol, drink a lot d & rsquo; Fresh water and sleep enough . In case you are pregnant, it is important that you apply the above advice and avoid the coexistence of with very strong odors.

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