From January to June, over 300 cases of tuberculosis were detected in Ancash | Trade | Peru | Ancash


The North and South Pacific Health Networks, in the region Ancash, reported during the first half of the year 309 cases of tuberculosis (TBC) and 14 deaths by

Rosana Morales Chiguala, Coordinator of Northern Network's Tuberculosis Health Strategy, reported that in her jurisdiction, which includes Chimbote, Coishco and Santa and Pallasca province, 226 patients have registered with of the disease and 8 died because of it. While the Red Sur, including some districts of Santa and the provinces of Casma and Huarmey, counted for 83 affected and 6 lost their lives.

In view of the high rates, the Santa Provincial Municipality and the aforementioned networks began a prevention campaign to reduce the spread of infectious bacteria in the population and that patients undergo treatment to prevent

Specialists recalled that TBC was passed from person to person, coughing or sneezing. They also urged to go to any health center if you cough with phlegm for more than 15 days, night sweats, fever, fatigue and lack of appetite.

"All the institutions must get up to be able to continue the fight against the TBC.We are all exposed.The municipality provides free food in baskets, an average of 50 kilos each", said the director of social and human development, Paola Huamán Vela.

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