Good news: science advances in HIV vaccine | Society


  Good news: science advances in HIV vaccine

Good news: science advances in HIV vaccine

Researchers working on a vaccine project against HIV They announced that they had tested an experimental vaccine against HIV, which caused an immune response in humans and protected some monkeys from infection.

The development of this potential vaccine, safe for humans, is advanced enough to test it. 2600 women in southern Africa. "These results represent an important step" toward creating a vaccine, said study director, virologist Dan Barouch, in a statement in The Lancet magazine.

Whatever it is, he made it clear that there is no guarantee the next tests are positive. "We must be careful" he told AFP. This is the "fifth HIV vaccine concept" tested in 35 years, Barouch recalls.

This recent study was conducted among 393 healthy, HIV-negative adults between the ages of 18 and 50 in East Africa, South Africa, Thailand, and the United States. United. Some of them received a placebo

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), some 37 million people are living with HIV or AIDS and 1.8 million people contract year The disease has killed about 35 million of the 80 million people infected since its first diagnosis in the 1980s.

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