Guillain-Barré: actions that protect us from illness


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The virus that causes the disease is transmitted primarily through the mouth and hands, so it is important to emphasize constant cleanliness.

cases of Mal de Guillain-Barré alarmed the Peruvians. The disease is caused by a virus like Coxsackievirus, an enterovirus that circulates in the north of the country and produces paralysis. The virus that causes the disease is transmitted primarily through the mouth and hands, so it is important to focus on constant cleansing.

According to EsSalud, the main recommendations to follow are the frequent washing of hands, as well as the fruits and vegetables that will be consumed. In addition, mosquito nets and / or mosquito nets should be used to prevent the bite of an insect and avoid contact with people with respiratory infections.

Healthy Eating

Infectologist Leslie Soto states that you must be wary of food eaten on the street and that has not been prepared under the conditions of food. 39, adequate hygiene. "It can generate a lot of discomfort, diarrhea, stomach swelling, a lot of belching and burettes".

According to cooking or freezing, Soto comments that both are important ways to eradicate parasites from food. "If you are going to consume a plant product, you should wash it with a lot of water.If you are going to consume a canned product, carefully observe if the package has a tooth or an opening."

Washing hands

Despite what is believed, alcohol-based disinfectants are not effective at eliminating a virus.However, the soap itself is fast to destroy the capsule of these microorganisms, that is to say that they dissolve its outer shell and remove the ability of infection.

Here are the steps of a good hand washing: first wet the palms and fingers, then put the soap and finally scrub until the foam comes out.A simple recommendation that serves to get rid of the largest amount of micro -organisms.

There is no need to use antibacterial soaps, as advised by the Food and Drug Administration They could even contribute to the spread of the virus, in addition to contributing to the resistance of antibiotics.

Communion in the Hand

The Archbishop of Trujillo made recommendations to prevent the spread of Guillain-Barré syndrome during the masses. The President of the Episcopal Conference, Miguel Cabrejos, said that during the sanitary emergency phase, communion will be held in hand to avoid contact with saliva.

Exdecan of the Medical College of Peru calls for prevention in Minsa by Guillain Barre case increase

The former dean of the Medical College of Peru, Ciro Maguiña, warned Wednesday of the increase in cases of Guillain Barré syndrome throughout the country, so he urged the authorities to take action

In statements to RPP News the infectious disease commented that l & # 39; 39; increase is not normal compared to the figures of the past few months and said that the estimated number He adds that this figure can be doubled if quick steps are not taken.

"The agents have already increased 200 this semester and how to reach 400, when normally there were 100 or 200 cases of a syndrome whose causes are not known (…) The measures of health and Security must be more enforced so that there are fewer than 400 or 800 and that is what needs to be reinforced in this unusual increase in the cases of this Guillain Barré syndrome. "

Patient Control

The specialist commented that the authorities have been monitoring the progress of the disease. However, he said that attention has focused only on known cases without prioritizing a total prevention protocol.

"Surveillance is the number of cases we have, even the surveillance has been done.Offers are being investigated, the United States is being sent to the INS (…) Hygiene standards were strengthened particularly in areas of the epidemic and even in the areas where they appeared. "

19659004] In this line, he recommended that the Ministry of Health takes the initiative to strengthen a prevention campaign as it has done for the control of other diseases that have also presented several cases at the national level.

"I think that just as reinforced the issue of tuberculosis, Zika, chikungunya, it is a multifactorial disease is that research will define what is and we hope in the coming years, there are cases usual and we do not have this increase that has worried the department, the state and the patients. "

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