Guillain-Barré syndrome is already present in 20 regions of Peru


The first week of May triggered alerts for the increase in cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, especially in the north of the country where it was known that nearly 50 patients were suffering from this disease that attacks the nerves and the muscles and can cause

Well, it's been almost two months and the number of cases has quadrupled despite the enhanced epidemiological surveillance by the Ministry of Health.

From the month in which the first report was published (April until June 21, 205 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome were recorded, according to the National Center for Epidemiology, Prevention and Control).

Of this universe, 160 cases have been confirmed by the authorities, while the other 45 are still suspects.

The Minsa report also indicates that the aforementioned syndrome is already found in 20 of the 25 regions of the country.Only in Ica, Madre de Dios, Moquegua, Pasco and Tumbes have not been reported people with symptoms.

What worries me, c & # 39; is that even if at the beginning La Libertad was the region with the greatest number of patients, by Lima

Between the confirmed cases and the suspected cases, the region of Lima reports 63 patients with Guillain-Barre, while La Libertad in 40.

To these two regions with more than cases include Cajamarca (19), Áncash (11), Lambayeque (11), Callao (7) and Cusco (7).

It should be noted that The Republic reported that since August of the year 2017 it has already been found that the surveillance did not respond. Minsa explains that the exact cause is unknown; although a large part of the cases occurred one or two weeks after a diarrheal or respiratory disease caused by viruses or bacteria (enterovirus D68, for example).

And he urged the population not to worry, since the C syndrome is contagious. He also asked to wash his hands frequently and go to the doctor because of limb weakness.


  • Immunoglobulin vaccine worth S / 900 and 30 per patient are required. The costs are borne by the state until now.
  • Only 56 cases were reported between 2016 and 2017.

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