Health.21: Know How to Care for Your Liver | Life | Health


The liver is important for our body, but we generally do not take care of it until we have a discomfort or a disturbing diagnosis. In Peru, each year about 1800 people develop cancer to this organ and some cases come from a complication of hepatitis.

The most common type of cancer is hepatocarcinoma, whose mortality is still very high because it is discovered in the very advanced state. Hepatitis B and cirrhosis are among the major risk factors that can influence the development of this disease.

Dr. Javier Díaz, a hepatologist at Edgardo Rebagliati hospital in Essalud, warns against excessive consumption of alcohol, diagnosis of hepatic steatosis and the occurrence of hepatitis C and B, especially in Peru.

"The fourth part of patients diagnosed with hepatocarcinoma, which is the most common form of primary liver cancer, has no risk factors and currently accounts for 4.4% of all cancer cases in general. 6.6% of deaths, "says the specialist.

A patient with hepatocarcinoma or hepatocellular carcinoma may have an average survival of ten months to two years. However, "if it is detected in time, greater survival can be achieved and even healed," warns Dr. Diaz.

For this, it is recommended that patients with cirrhosis or hepatitis B have a check including an abdominal ultrasound every six months.

According to the national registry of cases, Iquitos, Ayacucho, Cusco, Huanta and Apurimac have a high frequency of hepatitis B and the largest number of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.

The World Health Organization declared July 28 as the Day of Hepatitis. He aspires to eliminate the disease by 2021.

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