Health brigades perform work in the chambers to prevent further deaths from plague


A team of specialists from the Ministry of Health and Health Management Lambayeque carries out prevention and vector control work in the district of Salas, where presence of the bacterium that causes bubonic plague.

The tasks are carried out mainly in the hamlet Low and high humidity, because at this place, this disease has ended the life of a 42-year-old man, who was stung by the flea. a rodent infected with the bacterium Yersinia pestis that causes the plague.

Prevention and fumigation activities are carried out in 180 homes, squares, schools, camps and places of

RPP News arrived at hamlet Humedades and noted the inadequacies of the daily life. Many families also took into account the concerns of the villagers, who asked the health authorities not to lower their guard to prevent further deaths from bubonic plague.

Up to now, there are two cases of bubonic plague in Lambayeque the first in a recovering Salas and in a deceased man residing in the United States.


Health asked the population to symptoms such as: cough, feeling of choking, vomiting with blood, pain in the extremities, fever, swollen lymph nodes, mainly those located in English, armpits and neck, go to the health facility.

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