Health Exercises | What is Nordic walking and why is it so beneficial to your health? Trade | Technology and science | Science


For those who are not used to it, Nordic walking can look a bit absurd … after all, it's like skiing without snow.

But more and more experts emphasize its health benefits

Nordic walking, or Nordic walking, is a type of exercise that originated in Finland in the 1930s as a summer training for professional cross-country skiers.

It is based on the use of special walking sticks. to walk, similar to that of the ski, which, in addition to working the muscles of the upper part of the body, serves as propulsion to advance.

This type of exercise is now recognized as a physical activity that involves the body. Whole to such an extent that it can consume more than 40% energy in addition to a conventional walk.

It is also gentle on the joints and suitable for all ages and fitness levels, and can be practiced in

Intensity levels vary and are very adaptable: gentle walking for people having mobility issues at energetic walks for already fit people, which can be an effective way to improve fitness, helps to lose weight and tones the whole body.

— Health Benefits —

Health Authorities of England have just included Nordic Walking in a list of recommended regular activities for all adults, strengthen muscles, bones and improve balance.

Like other types of moderate activities, basic Nordic walking can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, asthma, spill and certain types of Cancer.

In addition, like any other exercise, it can be used as part of a weight loss program.

Nordic walking has no incidence it's more for the joints than for walking, so it's suitable for people who are overweight or have joint problems.

— You must learn the technique —

This is not just walking with a cane. 19659015] The United Kingdom Public Health Service recommends learning the basic technique of Nordic walking with a qualified instructor.

When they are performed with the proper technique the canes relieve the weight of the knees and lower joints which makes your feet lighter.

Nordic walking poles are different from those used for hiking, the way the handle is used and the angle of use. drowned in the ground

There are different movements in this discipline depending on, for example, the number of steps on which the poles rest or whether the movement is jumping, running or walking.

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