Health: It takes force AH1N1 influenza in Yucatan; report six deaths


MERIDA, Yuc.- The influenza virus AH1N1 which began to appear three weeks ago in Yucatan, caused the death of six people . from June 25th to the present day and exceed those recorded in the seasonal season 2017-2018, when there were two, as well as those of the period 2016-2017, which recorded four deaths.

Positive cases of influenza AH1N1 reported in recent weeks are more severe than those that occurred during the epidemic that affected the state in 2009 (when there were 15 deaths ), since that time patients arrive in hospitals with photos. To date, according to official sources, six deaths have been registered in the entity because of this disease, although the only confirmed one corresponds to a person of the 66-year-old man xo, the second death was d 39 a 50 year old woman. Of the remaining four, no age or sex was revealed

According to information from medical sources, between five and eight cases of severe influenza arrive at the hospitals of the IMSS and from the Ministry of Health . so much so that in the hours following hospitalization, patients need intubation because they develop atypical pneumonias. It is striking that the age of the majority of patients fluctuates between 30 and 50 years.

In hospitals, the most serious cases are received and those classified as "suspects" are sent to the first-level clinics for their care.


International experts point out that influenza is a vaccine-preventable disease and is considered a high-incidence disease in poor countries and highly contagious.

In 2009, when the outbreak was recorded from the AH1N1 flu in Mexico, Yucatan confirmed three thousand 298 cases and 15 deaths related to the disease.

This year, the last cut of SSY, was confirmed 31 cases of influenza, with predominance of the AH1N1 strain (64.5%), this represents an increase of 82.3% over the same period of time. Previous year.

As reported, the Deputy Director of Public Health of the Secretariat Ria de Salud, Mirza Tec Kumul, said the day before yesterday in a press conference that "since 2009 we have the AH1N1 flu, this is not the case. not that it's coming in, it's a bad way to interpret the information. We've times where it's increasing and others where it's decreasing ".

"Sometimes there is more of another type like AH3N2 .We now have a higher percentage of AH1N1.There is no warning or outbreak, a increase is detected and can occur in this season or in the winter season, "he said.

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