Health Network announces vaccination campaign for children at the initial level


Date: 07/04/2018 | Health

Tarapoto . After the end of the indefinite general strike approved by the education sector, the San Marín health network director announced this morning that, starting Monday, will begin the vaccination campaign against influenza among the children under 5 years old. initial level.

Subsequently, a coordination will be carried out with the education sector to carry out the vaccination schedule, and to know which educational institutions of the initial level will be prioritized.

It recommends to the population to take precautions since now only vaccination will be a priority for pregnant women and children under 5 years, says that they can also protect themselves by washing their hands, by covering the mouth by sneezing and avoiding cold weather

Now parents need to be vigilant in this vaccination campaign and take the opportunity to protect their children before contracting the virus.

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