Health: Why do they put red eyes in the pool? This is not chlorine, it's something disgusting | Viral | Pictures | Health


Did your eyes turn red after entering the pool and you blamed chlorine ? The experts reveal the true motive and it's something very disgusting.

During the summer season, it is common that people prefer to go to the pools to have fun; However, the time spent in the water makes the eyes turn red. Usually, people blame chlorine for the sad result, but the truth is totally disgusting.

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We all know that the chemical agent such as chlorine is used to disinfect the water of possible pathogens; why, people accuse this compound as responsible for the red color in the eyes. However, the origin of this is not the chlorine, but the urine of all people who pass through the pool.


unusual but true! Human urine causes tingling and irritation in people 's eyes once it comes into contact with water full of chlorine but this substance does not cause it. is not the only one to cause discomfort in humans. Other substances such as fecal remains, sweating and dirt usually cause eye irritation.


When urine and chlorine are mixed, the combination turns chlorine into a derivative of ammonia called chloramine which has a peculiar odor and is the cause of breathing problems and red eye color, according to the United States Chemistry Association

Without thinking that it was worse, you were wrong. People with diarrhea can transmit Cryptoporidium a chlorine-resistant parasite that is the cause of the most common intestinal problems transmitted by water.

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Reason for which it is very important to take a shower before entering the pool to avoid a respiratory problem and eye irritation. Similarly, it is recommended that people with a digestive problem avoid entering the pool to protect the health of others.

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