Helicobacter: How to avoid it to reduce the risk of developing cancer in the stomach?


July 18, 2018 5:15 pm.

The Helicobacter pylor i is considered the major risk factor for the development of stomach cancer, when this bacterium enters the body and lives in the mucous layer that protects the part internal of the stomach ; however, it can survive stomach acids by penetrating deeper into this inner wall.

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This bacterium is very well known to cause various diseases in the stomach as gastritis ulcers inflammation of the duodenum (part of the small intestine) and, in particular, the stomach cancer

In our country every year there are more than 4,800 new cases of stomach cancer and more than 4 thousand 87 people die each year the disease that is to say; More than 85% of patients

Faced with this situation, Dr. Juan Felipe Ramírez García, gastroenterologist of the League Against Cancer, announces the risk factors that could lead to an infection by this bacterium and trigger in c anus stomach.


Fecal – Oral: Consists in the contamination of food or drink with the excrement of patients who have this bacterium since helicobacter ] is eliminated in this manner. This is the one that leads to be the main route of infection, therefore, it is important to hygiene, proper washing of food and boiling water that is intended to ingest.

Gastro – Oral: This is transmitted when one comes into contact with gastric contents, such as vomiting of people who have the bacterium helicobacter and come into contact with the mouth of the mouth. another person, for this reason, it is important to consider all that comes into our


Wash your hands frequently before and after leaving the bathroom, as this significantly reduces the risk to catch bacteria, including Helicobacter.

It is recommended to thoroughly wash the fruits and vegetables and to boil the water you want to consume as this can prevent a large chance of infection.

Conduct a preventive audit at least once a year.

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It is important to note that everyone should consult the doctor at least once a year to be able to detect any sign or symptom of alarm over time. As a result, the League Against Cancer led a gastroenterology campaign until July 31, which, with a donation of S /. 40.00, the population will have access to a medical consultation that will determine whether their state of health is normal or deserves further study.

In this way, we can prevent cancer of the stomach, esophagus and colon

To make an appointment, call the central office 204 – 0404 or visit the prevention centers and located at: Pueblo Libre (Av. Brasil 2746), Cercado de Lima (Av Nicolás de Piérola 727) and Surquillo (Av Angamos Este 2415).

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