Helicobacter pylori: How is it transmitted and how to avoid this bacteria? | Family


Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that, when it enters the body, is localized and inhabits the mucous layer that protects the inner part of the stomach. It can survive stomach acids by penetrating deeper and deeper into this inner wall.

This bacterium is known to cause various gastric lesions such as gastritis ulcers, inflammation of the duodenum (part of the small intestine) and, most importantly, cancer of the stomach.

In Peru, every year there are more than 4,800 new cases of stomach cancer and more than 4,000 87 people die each year from this disease, that is, -say; more than 85% of patients.

Faced with this situation, Dr. Juan Felipe Ramírez García, gastroenterologist of the League Against Cancer, announces the risk factors that can lead to infection by this bacteria.


* Fecal – Oral: Consists in the contact of food or drink with the feces of patients who have this bacteria. This is the main route of infection, therefore, hygiene, good food washing and boiling water are important.

* Gastro – Oral: This is transmitted when a person comes into contact with the gastric contents of another who has helicobacter bacteria housed in the oral cavity. For this reason, it is important to consider everything that enters our body through seemingly harmless habits such as sharing a glass of water or an apple.


* Wash your hands frequently before and after leaving the bathroom, as this greatly reduces the risk of "getting wet". catch bacteria, including Helicobacter.

* It is recommended to thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables and to boil the water you want to consume as this can prevent a high chance of infection.

* Carry out a minimal preventive check once a year

It is important to note that each person must visit the doctor at least once a year to detect any sign or symptom of alarm at time.

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