Here are the types of hepatitis and their routes of infection


  Here are the types of hepatitis and their routes of infection

Here are the types of hepatitis and their routes of infection. Photo: Pixabay


Currently hepatitis C is the biggest concern in the five types that exist of this disease whose contagion is related to transfusions, sexual contact, skin piercings, tattoos, use of contaminated needles and wounds caused by sharp objects, explains the graduate in infectious medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of UNAM, César Rivera Benítez.

must scrutinize all people with risk factors. In Mexico, the percentage of chronic hepatitis varies from one to three percent, depending on geographical region, community type and risk factors, "he said.

Rivera warned that the northern border area, where marginal groups most frequently use intravenous drugs so a study in this population is needed.

According to the specialist, its contagion is becoming more frequent and it is estimated that about 71 million people worldwide are chronically infected with the virus that causes it.

He pointed out that in Mexico, from 1 to 3 The specialist indicated that for hepatitis C there is still no vaccine, and once acquired develop chronic forms that can lead to fibrosis, cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer

. 007] However, if hepatitis in one of its types A, B, C, D or E is diagnosed and treated early it can be cured up to To 98%

The Global Alliance Against Hepatitis states that over 290 million people live with hepatitis in the world and that 9 out of 10 do not know it.

As part of the World Day Against Hepatitis, the World Health Organization establishes that the overall goal is to eliminate hepatitis from & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 39, here 2030.

To achieve this, it aims to reduce by 65% ​​the deaths that it causes, and reduce by 90% the diagnoses of this disease for this year.

Hepatitis is a disease that causes inflammation in the liver caused by viruses.

According to the Pan American Health Organization, in Mexico, hepatitis has a prevalence of 1.5% of the population.

Each year, 25 mi are diagnosed l new cases in the country.


Types A and E are acquired orally, through contaminated food.

Infection of type B and C by transfusion, mucosal contact, skin perforations, tattoos, use of contaminated needles and wounds caused by sharp objects.

Type D is acquired when the patient has already suffered from chronic hepatitis B.


Hepatitis A and B are prevented by vaccination

Hepatitis E, with good food management.

For hepatitis C there is no vaccine and it is worrying because in these cases the chronic forms develop.

The spread of hepatitis C increases in intravenous drug users, due to the use of contaminated syringes.

Hepatitis C diagnoses increased in patients with HIV-AIDS.

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