Here's how a baby with cerebral palsy reacts for the first time | Cuyo Newspaper


Another viral video of those who move on the Internet. In this case, it is a 4-year-old girl with cerebral palsy in Michigan who is taking her first steps alone. With her parents, her older brother and her pet nearby, Maya Tisdale, gets up from an armchair in her house and takes a few steps.

"I walk, I walk!" Said Maya in the video posted on Facebook. Her mother, Ann Tisdale, tells ABC News that Maya was born four months earlier at 26 weeks and only weighed 500 grams at that time. Before she was two years old, Maya was diagnosed with spastic diplegia with cerebral palsy.

This particular type of cerebral palsy caused "tight, spasmodic hips, legs and feet" and left it "unable to stand for more than a few seconds, or to walk without it. 39, help from a walker, "he says.

First Steps – 4 years, 10 months ❤️❤️ ❤️❤️ I can not put into words how we feel, nothing seems to fit the # The enormity of this moment for us We are beyond the pride of our Mighty Girl #sdrchangeslives #beemighty #impossibleisnothing #firststeps

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Mighty Miss Maya – Willingness to walk on Sunday, July 1st, 2018

Maya walked through a walker since the age of one, but she wanted to walk independently. Then, in March, after extensive research and meetings, her family traveled with her to the St. Louis Children's Hospital of Missouri, where she underwent surgery called selective dorsal rhizotomy.

According to the family's website, the surgery was designed to "permanently reduce Maya's spasticity, giving her the ability to live with less pain and greater mobility". The mother says that after the operation, Maya's doctor had told them that she could walk "someday," but not without a daily and exhausting physical therapy.

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