Honduras acquires 100,000 more vaccines against influenza



A total of 100 thousand more vaccines were acquired to protect the vulnerable population against the influenza virus in the country.

The state bought these doses to have a backup once The Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI) aimed to vaccinate 1,084,367 people

Until June 29, 949,160 people had been vaccinated in the population at risk, that is, they are still missing. for the protection of 135,207 people, most are pregnant and adults over 60 years old. Additional vaccines were acquired because the occurrence of viral disease occurred earlier than expected.

Influenza cases began to appear at the end of April while they appeared historically from July. So far this year, 357 cases have been confirmed in the laboratory and 21 by this virus. Health authorities are expecting cases once again due to the fact that the seasonal season of the virus has just begun. This is why it is necessary that people who risk dying if they are infected with the virus be protected by the vaccine.

"We are in the seasonal period when more cases of influenza can occur and are expected, ideally For the Ministry of Health, it is all population at risk who was vaccinated before the beginning of this period where one expects an increase in the circulation of the virus, "said Ida Berenice Molina, EPI coordinator.

If the dose is applied, the vaccine begins to take effect, which is why most of the vulnerable population had to be vaccinated before July. However, there is always a possibility of protection, the vaccine is available in the 1600 health centers of the country.

"We do not want there to be more deaths due to a disease that can be prevented by vaccination". He added that people who are not in at-risk groups should strengthen prevention measures.

"The vaccine is available for the population that has been scheduled and the state has purchased 100,000 additional doses to extend vaccination to the chronically ill who claim the vaccine," Galena said. The dose is free and safe because it is certified by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

Homer Mejía, influenza surveillance coordinator, informs that once the goal is reached, people can be vaccinated. in general, go to health centers to sue.

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