How effective is it to rinse your mouth with carbohydrates to improve athletic performance?


This is a scene that we see repeatedly on professional football pitches, and the 2018 World Cup in Russia is no exception: players who rinse their mouths and spit the liquid underneath

they want to refresh their mouths, which tends to dry up – as it happens to anyone – after prolonged periods of physical activity.

But scientific research suggests that rinsing can have a positive effect on the performance of athletes. 19659002] In particular, taking a sip of a solution with carbohydrates, rinsing is mouth and after spitting out the liquid is a technique who put on test in the past


The researchers studied whether this allows the athlete to gain a boost in energy during fatigue such than the last decisive minutes of a football match or overtime

The various studies that analyze it in football have not yet conclusive results, but some indications have found that the mouthwash with carbohydrates, known in English as carb-rising can be positive

The desired impulse

One of the studies in this area is that of researchers from the universe Coventry, United Kingdom, published last year in the European Journal of Sports Science

Experts have found evidence that rinsing the mouth with carbs helps to improve performance, although its impact becomes more evident in physical activity ]

This coincides with Trent Stellingwerff, Director of Performance Solutions for the Canadian Sports Institute and author from another study on re the subject.


The results of the research carried out "have had an impact on us," acknowledged Stellingwerff.

"The rinsing has an immediate effect, since one perceives that the exercise is being made easier", explained in the conclusions of his research.

The difference between ingesting carbohydrates and just rinsing with a solution that contains them is based on the benefits and effects that they produce on the body.

It is recommended to consume before or after physical activity to generate the energy reserves necessary to activate the muscles, the rinsing being more oriented towards an instant stimulation of the performance during the exercise himself.

<img src = "×0.jpg" alt = "102690982gettyimages977341392-aa91db7d08e8f0ca6298f4936235efa8.jpg [19659010] The study of the British University of Coventry and that of Stellingwerff both coincided that the contact of the mouth with a carbohydrate substance " stimulates the centers of pleasure and reward in the brain ", which provides a Positive message to the body to subconsciously convince him that more may be required.

The reason athletes spew and do not ingest it is that, in this case, could create problems in the future. stomach in a body that is on the verge of physical effort

Stimulation of the nerves

Most studies explain that the person must maintain the fluid between 5 [19659004] and 10 seconds so that it can have contact with the largest number of receptor nerves in the brain-related mouth, also affecting motivation and tolerance to pain.

Footballers and their medical teams are often reluctant to explain the techniques that they put into practice to improve performance.

<img src = "×0.jpg" alt = "102690984gett However, the newspaper The New York Times quotes a source from the England team who acknowledged that the carbohydrate rinse was "something the team had seen doing in the past" that is considered "a fairly standard practice."

While the investigations are still in a preliminary stage the results obtained suggest that this method can improve the person's performance between a 2% and 3% for a period of time between 15 and 30 minutes

This is a sufficient tempo for to mark the difference between success and failure for an elite athlete or, simply, to achieve the "best". goal in the case of an amateur athlete.

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