IMSS provides medical and psychological treatment for children with ADHD


The purpose of the services offered by the institution is for children to have adequate academic achievement and to develop healthy relationships with their parents, family and classmates.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)) is a public health problem that affects the quality of life of people. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) reveal that this disorder affects five percent of the world's population; It is estimated that in our country without having an exact figure, a million and a half children under 14 years suffer .

To cope with this problem, the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) grants medical and psychological treatment . The goal is for children to have an adequate academic performance and to develop a healthy relationship with their parents, family and classmates .

The IMSS recommends parents be conscious of the behavior of their children to, if necessary, consult specialists who can make a diagnosis during the first years of the children's lives.

The physician Leticia Flores Pérez Pasten psychiatrist attached to the Coordination of Integral Care at the second level of the IMSS, says that whether the tutors think that their child is "agitated", they should consider some typical symptoms of this disorder because they will surely have to go to the doctor to receive treatment according to their needs

In this way, there will be an intervention in a timely manner to prevent minors from spending months and even years with the various symptoms of this disorder. Normally, children with ADHD are impulsive, reckless, accident-prone, and without discipline to accept the rules both at home and at school.

Pérez Pasten reported that out of 100 school-aged children, an average of four have this disorder which is more common in boys than in girls in a ratio of six boys to one girl .

The specialist explained that parents should monitor that the child or teen present, in a period of six months or more, at least six symptoms of inattention . These are:

  • Problems with attention in recreational activities;
  • Do not listen when spoken to
  • Does not comply with instructions;
  • Do not complete activities;
  • Often lose things;
  • He wakes up when he is supposed to be sitting, and
  • Can not participate in activities in a calm manner.

In 2017, in the specialty of psychiatry, six thousand 650 consultations for the first time were granted for the treatment of disorder. Due to the attention deficit and almost nine thousand 590 for the follow-up of minors.

Dr. Pérez Pasten stated that once diagnosed, the child with the disorder receives a complete and personalized attention that aims the symptoms associated with bad behavior because there is no cure as such. He insisted that the drugs that the IMSS provides do not cause addiction or drowsiness in minors, they are controlled substances that are indicated. From the age of six and acting in the neurochemical system, they help produce dopamine and norepinephrine, which promotes brain maturation and better control of the symptoms of lack of attention.

In an interview for, Gaceta UNAM, a beginning of the year, Feggy Ostrosky director of the Laboratory of Neuropsychology and Psychophysiology at the Faculty of Psychology, warns that minors with this disorder may have problems in their adulthood .

"D and 25 to 50% of individuals with ADHD show signs of anxiety, and 32 to 53% have problems with alcohol abuse and cocaine In addition, up to 28% suffer from personality disorders and antisocial behaviors. "

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